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You can choose your suitable air conditioner DAIKIN
Suitable modern solutions for heating, cooling, humidification, drying, ventilation and air purification. DAIKIN filter for selection of your air conditioner - Enjoy!
13 solutions fit your needs
SENSIRA C: a new elegant and affordable budget solution for silent air conditioning
Stylish front panel that blends in with any interior
- effective low cost decision
Air filter
Daikin Residental online controller
Comfortable sleep mode
Bluevolution inverter technology to reduce power consumption
SENSIRA F: maximum comfort and stylish discreet design for any interior
Stylish front panel that blends in with any interior
- Quiet night mode of operation of the outdoor unit
Daikin Residental online controller
Bluevolution inverter technology to reduce power consumption
Air filter and titanium apatite filter
Quiet mode indoor unit
Comfortable airflow
economy mode
COMFORA FTXP: comfort and efficiency with discrete design
Bluevolution inverter technology to reduce power consumption
Air filter and titanium apatite filter
Comfortable airflow
3-D airflow for automatic movement of airflow to all corners of the room
Economy mode
Quiet mode indoor unit
Online controller
- Multi apps
PERFERA wall unit FTXM: attractive design and patented STREAMER technology by DAIKIN
compact and modern design of the indoor unit
Online controller included as standard
Bluevolution inverter technology to reduce power consumption
guaranteed operating mode Heating in winter conditions -20oС
Quiet mode indoor unit
3-D airflow for automatic movement of airflow to all corners of the room
Comfortable airflow
Heat boost
Air filter and titanium apatite filter
Silver filter for constant fresh air supply
Flash STREAMER negative ions inactivates viruses, allergens and odors (IAQ)
Intelligent presence sensor
PERFERA floor unit FVXM_A: designed for comfort and maximum clean air in the room
CoolingHeating- The most effective solution
Quiet night mode of operation of the outdoor unit
- extremely quiet indoor unit
Bluevolution inverter technology to reduce power consumption
Air filter and titanium apatite filter
Accelerated heating
- Double air flow for heating
Additional heating
Compact and modern design
Daikin Residental online controller as standart
Multi apps
Comfortable airflow
Flash STREAMER negative ions inactivates viruses, allergens and odors (IAQ)
STYLISH FTXA: Сlimate innovation and classic Japanese design
CoolingHeating- Award for design and efficiency
Bluevolution inverter technology to reduce power consumption
Quiet mode indoor unit
Air filter and titanium apatite filter
Silver filter for constant fresh air supply
Flash STREAMER negative ions inactivates viruses, allergens and odors (IAQ)
3-D airflow for automatic movement of airflow to all corners of the room
Comfortable airflow
Coanda effect
intelligent thermal sensor for maximum even and comfortable airflow distribution
URURU SARARA FTXZ: Apex in luxury air conditioning with splits!
Quiet mode oudoor unit
Quiet mode indoor unit
3-D airflow for automatic movement of airflow to all corners of the room
Convenient Sleep mode
Coanda effect
Two intelligent eyes, for presence and for the floor
Online controller
- The most effective solution
Flash STREAMER negative ions inactivates viruses, allergens and odors (IAQ)
Bluevolution inverter technology to reduce power consumption
- Ururu: moisturizing
- Sarara: drying
- Ventilation
Self-cleaning filter
EMURA III Alpha - a contemporary concept for air conditioning,design and enjoyment
Stylish front panel that blends in with any interior
Daikin Residental online controller
Bluevolution inverter technology to reduce power consumption
Coanda effect
- The most effective solution
Quiet mode oudoor unit
- extremely quiet indoor unit
intelligent thermal sensor for maximum even and comfortable airflow distribution
Heat boost
Silver filter for constant fresh air supply
Flash STREAMER negative ions inactivates viruses, allergens and odors (IAQ)
Comfortable airflow
economy mode
Hidden built-in wall unit: flexible installation and seasonal energy efficiency
Comfortable airflow
guaranteed operating mode Heating in winter conditions -20oС
- The most discreet and compact indoor unit with high ESP
Bluevolution inverter technology to reduce power consumption
Air filter
Online controller
- extremely quiet indoor unit
seasonal energy efficiency
SKY AIR fully flat raster cassette FFA: the quietest built-in body, engineering excellence and design
seasonal energy efficiency
prevention of ceiling contamination
Bluevolution inverter technology to reduce power consumption
- Award for design and efficiency
Online controller
guaranteed operating mode Heating in winter conditions -20oС
possibility for separate control of each valve
Comfortable airflow
Air filter
- extremely quiet indoor unit
Two intelligent eyes, for presence and for the floor
Self-cleaning filter
SKY AIR ceiling cassette with 360oC roundflow FCAG: high energy efficiency and unique range of designer panels
Bluevolution inverter technology to reduce power consumption
large range of modern designer panels
Online controller
guaranteed operating mode Heating in winter conditions -20oС
- extremely quiet indoor unit
Comfortable airflow
Air filter
possibility for separate control of each valve
Two intelligent eyes, for presence and for the floor
Self-cleaning filter
seasonal energy efficiency
PERFERA wall unit FTXTM: optimized for heating at outdoor temperatures down to -25oС
compact and modern design of the indoor unit
3-D airflow for automatic movement of airflow to all corners of the room
Flash STREAMER negative ions inactivates viruses, allergens and odors (IAQ)
Bluevolution inverter technology to reduce power consumption
Quiet mode oudoor unit
Suitable for severe winter conditions with outdoor temperatures down to -25oC
Heat boost
even distribution of temperature and air flow to prevent unpleasant air current
Silver filter for constant fresh air supply
- extremely quiet indoor unit
Daikin Residental online controller
Built-in ceiling unit FDXM: an invisible way for comfortable airflow with BLUEVOLUTION
guaranteed operating mode Heating in winter conditions -20oС
the thinnest indoor unit with high ESP
Bluevolution inverter technology to reduce power consumption
Comfortable airflow
even distribution of temperature and air flow to prevent unpleasant air current
Online controller
controlling the degree of air humidity
Air filter
seasonal energy efficiency