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DAIKIN Products Catalogues
DAIKIN General Catalogue 2024
DAIKIN рowerful AirPurifiers for healthier indoor environments Catalogue
Trusting Daikin and AAF with their patented air purifiers we have: high performance HEPA filter catches fine particles of dust, Humidifying and Flash Streamer technology to decompose, by oxidation, harmful substances caught on the filter.
DAIKIN Air conditioners Catalogues for homes and small commercial projects
Full range of DAIKIN air conditioners for residential applications - designed for the best comfort of the inhabitants,
with the latest technological achievements in the field and with an emphasis on design, for maximum discretion in the interior.
These DAIKIN products are at the forefront of low household energy consumption and global warming potential.
DAIKIN SkyAir Commercial catalogue
SkyAir's innovative technology solutions provide the highest class climate control, high energy efficiency, excellent operational reliability and
unique aesthetics of indoor units with self-cleaning filters.
DAIKIN Altherma 3R LT refrigerant split 4-6-8kW R-32 Catalogue
From 2020 DAIKIN sets a new standard in its range of air-to-water heat pumps.
DAIKIN Altherma 3R LT 11-14-16kW Refrigerant split R-32 Catalogue
Daikin low-temperature Altherma ERLA_D, R-32 freon split heat pump with a capacity of 11-14-16kW, cooling and heating with convectors, underfloor heating, domestic hot water, possibility for solar support. Highly energy efficient modern technology, which is a complete solution for home comfort with the lowest possible budget of consumption. Elegant remote control of the indoor climate at any time with the control application in your phone.
Daikin Altherma 3 R ERLA-D series product specifications:
• Available in 3 classes: 11, 14, 16 kW, 1 and 3 phase
• Dimensions (HxWxD): 870 x 1100 x 460 mm
• Patented plate heat exchanger
• Up to A+++ space heating performance
• Up to A+ domestic hot water performance
• Operation range down to -25°C • 60°C LWT at -7°C
• Combinable with 3 different indoor units (wall mounted, floor standing with integrated tank, floor standing with ECH2O tank)
• Cloud ready wifi controller
DAIKIN High temperature Altherma 3R HT hydrosplit 14-16-18kW R-32Catalogue
Altherma 3H HT is the "Quintessence" of heat pumps - superior efficiency, use of renewable energy, excellent design and the lowest noise level of the outdoor unit EPRA_D.
DAIKIN High temperature Altherma 3H R410a Heating only refrigerant split 11-14-16kW Catalogue
Floor standing heating only air to water heat pump combinable with existing radiators. Energy efficient heating only system based on air to water heat pump technology .Three phase floor standing indoor unit 11,14,16kW . High temperature application: up to 80°C without electric heater . Easy replacement of existing boiler, without changing heating pipes . Combinable with high temperature radiators. Low energy bills and low CO2 emissions. Inverter compressors continuously adjust speed to actual demand. Fewer power-consuming starts and stops result in decreased energy consumption (up to 30%) and more stable temperatures.
DAIKIN Applied Systems - Chillers, Air handling units, Fan coils, Heat pumps Catalogue
Daikin Applied systems products are smart and in the same time Leed green solutions of your project for a bank, hotel, spa complex, mall, printing house, pharmaceutical factory, it center and other industrial, as well as for housing, office building, supermarket . This is HVAC equipment with sustainable success in air conditioning, heating, ventilation, waste heat utilization, industrial refrigeration .
DAIKIN VRV Catalogue
Daikin leads where others follow - VRV Central Air Conditioning System is the world's first individual air conditioner with variable refrigerant temperature control, commercialized by Daikin in 1982. VRV is a trademark of Daikin Industries Ltd, an abbreviation of technology. which we call 'Variable Refrigerant Volume'. Minimum running costs, maximum flexibility. Quick installation, excellent reliability, perfect comfort. Daikin VRV is the best solution for personalized comfort and intelligent control tailored to your individual needs and to maximize energy efficiency: * Annual cost savings of up to 33% * No cold air currents with variable refrigerant temperature * One system with multiple applications for hotels, offices, retail stores, public buildings, houses, apartments * The integrated system allows maximum energy efficiency for the end user.
Complete solution from Daikin for Heating and Cooling, Hot water, Underfloor heating, Ventilation, Air curtains, BMS controls
DAIKIN Refrigeration Product Catalogue
The DAIKIN refrigeration product range controls the temperature throughout the supply chain, from the manufacturer to the end user..
DAIKIN IAQ and AAF Ventilation and Filters Catalogue
Advanced climate control solutions to optimise indoor air quality (IAQ) in whole building